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- Written by SleepSub Category: News
Happy New Year! I have just switched the website over to another server. It will stay online now and the SSL certificate will automatically renew without going to expire ever again. My apologies that I never did this earlier, hehe... Hatsuyuki shouldn't slow down of break (except when I'm editing Server config files...) because it has 8-core, 64GB ram and a lot of memcache capacity.
Wanted to do this today as I will have a surgery upcoming Friday, so here is to a working Hatsuyuki website!
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- Written by SleepSub Category: News
Merry Christmas to all of you!
We hope you are with your family, beloved ones or people you care about and please enjoy these days with them.
And yes, we came back just for Strike The Blood III. Hope it is a wonderful christmas present for those who love the anime.
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- Written by Monkey D. Luffy Category: News
Hi there,
we need urgently new Quality Checkers for One Piece. If you have some skills, love One Piece and some free time, please don't hesitate to email us.
Here are our contact info:
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- IRC: SleepSub[NL] / luridfuzz / KakashiCopyNinja. If we don't answer, leave your mail.
We are waiting for your emails.
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- Written by SleepSub Category: News
Heya. People wanted an update.
We will resume Naruto Shippuuden next week.
Yes, we will do all the missing episodes.
Q: I have a question...
A: Keep it to yourself.
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- Written by SleepSub Category: News
Happy New Year to all of you!
A lot has happened in 2016. Leader changes, Staff members got busy and we were off with a bad start...
We are doing our best to beat our backlog with the current staff we have and well, to be honest, we have not enough staff members to pull all the projects through. I would love some more staff members to work on our backlog and future projects. Please bear with us for now to do it step for step. You can always apply for a job at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
I would personally like to thank all the staff members of Hatsuyuki for helping out, bearing with me as Leader and hope we can still call this our home.
I would like to thank Naruto-kun1984 for giving me this task and hope he's lucky with his busy job and wife. Also I want to thank Rocker2344 for hosting Hatsuyuki earlier on.
Thanks to Luridfuzz and Amberdrake for being Project Leaders. They are great and doing everything to release quality.
And... I would love to thank KakashiCopyNinja. He kept the group alive and running while I and the others got it hard in end 2016.
And thanks to Tobikage, for translating Sinbad No Bouken and Strike The Blood II, our original projects of 2016.
And thank you. Yes, you. Your support keeps us alive and doing the stuff we love.
To a better 2017! Kanpai!