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- Written by SleepSub Category: SleepTL
Just wanted to translate the trailer. Maybe there are enough fans...?
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- Written by SleepSub Category: SleepTL
So I went to a German Anime Convention (DoKomi) last weekend and got a signed T-shirt including a photo with Nishizawa Shiena :3
Her concert was awesome, played the full song of the second Asterisk OP too (No, not gonna leak it...)
Also she was really nervous and she's 19 years old. Was great meeting her and talk for about 3 minutes.
Updates for other projects:
- Magi is being edited by Luridfuzz (Episodes 2 & 3)
- Hatsuyuki will resume Naruto Shippuuden soon because the story is canon again.
- Amberdrake is probably working on One Piece.
- If there are any questions, please just ask in the chatbox on your right side. Just don't beg. Neither I or the staff do like beggers.
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- Written by SleepSub Category: SleepTL
A happy new year to everyone and thanks for all the support Hatsuyuki got in 2015! Also thanks to the staff!
Let's go to 2016 and make it a lovely anime year again!
As you all know, I just got in charge while Naru-chan is busy with his RL, 3 months ago.
Believe it or not, but my grandma is dying atm (hospital and nothing seems to work anymore) and I'm spending some time with her.
That's kind of THE reason of the not-so-many releases these past 2 months.
But whatever! Here another video of mine and I promise(!). We'll release soon stuff!! I'll do my best from tomorrow on!
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- Written by SleepSub Category: SleepTL
We're not dead! Sorry for still no releases. Blame Christmas and 2016 for it. I promise we'll start releasing soon.
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- Written by SleepSub Category: SleepTL
We're not dead! How about a little break and instead enjoy this a little at the moment: