- Details
- Written by Floris257 Category: Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki
Here it is! The long awaited Index Movie!
We deliver this movie in several formats to fit any kind of device or pc you want to watch on. Enjoy~
NOTE: All the 7 songs are NORMAL timed on the share raw release. All these songs will be K-timed with some sort of karaoke in our release from the BDMV. The Share raw release is HARDSUBBED.
We are looking for Ah My Goddess OVA DVD ISO.
Rose_t: Kuroko shall vanish!
Raw: Denpa
TL: Rose_t
TLC: Tobikage
Edit: Tokyoblade
QC: Luridfuzz, Vividfear (first 8 min)
Second round QC: Floris257 (QC + Apply)
Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
Rough Timing: Vevlaa
Fine timing: Amberdrake
K-timing: Floris257 <--- almost died k-timing this
Song TL: Rose_t
Encoder: FixeR (MKV) Floris257 (share raw + MP4/AVI)
Special Thanks to Naruto-kun1984 for putting red pepper in the staff's butts during working on this release.
Share Raw:
Original Encode from BDMV:
[ 10bit 1080p MKV Torrent ] | [ 8bit 1080p MP4 Torrent ] | [ 10bit 720p MKV Torrent ] | [ 8bit 720p MP4 Torrent ] | [ 480p AVI Torrent ]