- Details
- Written by Floris257 Category: Fairy Tail: Priestess of the Phoenix (Houou no Miko)
All credits to Ultim for BD.
Thanks to Kaitou for BDMV.
!! The PROLOGUE of the movie is also in this torrent !!
[ 1080p MKV Torrent ] | [ 1080p MP4 Torrent ] | [ 720p MKV Torrent ] | [ 720p MP4 Torrent ]
- Details
Here ya go, enjoy!
This is a joint with Tsuki Fansubs. Have fun watching the movie and sorry for the wait.
Staff Credits:
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC: Kaionlriu
- RAW: desolato
- Timer: Saruaho
- Editor: Kaitou[Kid]
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- QC: tyl, tokyoblade
- Encoder: FixeR (mkv), Kaitou[Kid] (mp4, avi)
- Fairy Tail Movie Prologue: [ 576 10bit MKV Torrent ] | [576 8bit MP4 Torrent] | [480p 10bit MKV Torrent] | [480p 8bit MKV Torrent] | [480p AVI Torrent]
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- Details
Here ya go, enjoy!
This is a joint with Tsuki Fansubs. Have fun watching the movie and sorry for the wait.
Staff Credits:
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC: tyl
- RAW: desolato
- Timer: Saruaho, Floris257
- Editor: tokyoblade
- OP/ED: tyl
- K-timer: Floris257
- Karaoke: Alkoon
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attacks Effects: Naruto-kun
- QC: tyl, Kaitou[Kid]
- Encoder: FixeR (mkv), Floris257 (mp4, avi)
- Fairy Tail Movie: [ 576 10bit MKV Torrent ] | [576 8bit MP4 Torrent] | [480p 10bit MKV Torrent] | [480p 8bit MKV Torrent] | [480p AVI Torrent]
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