- Details
- Written by SleepSub Category: Sinbad no Bouken
If you want Magi: Sinbad no Bouken 2016, then you have to donate (And no, this is not asking for donations, just if you want Magi...)
Since there is only a Completion Blu-Ray box of Magi, we would have to buy it and it isn't online anywhere...
Personal opinion: Why would you buy a BD Box of Magi 2016 for 30000yen...? It isn't that great either...
So now you know about the Project status of Magi: Sinbad no Bouken (2016), until then; It's stalled.
- Details
- Written by SleepSub Category: Sinbad no Bouken
Welcome back to Hatsuyuki!
It took a little longer than expected... :|
You want to help Hatsuyuki? Mail me at recruit[at]hatsuyuki-fansubs[dot]com or join our recruit IRC channel
Updates for other projects:
- The staff is getting back alive. We want to at least present you, Magi! Thanks for flying with Hatsuyuki while changing leader, website migration and getting the staff back alive!
- Episode 03 of Magi is being edited while 04 is being translated.
- Naruto Shippuuden 459 is being worked on. It's at QC.
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Kaitou_Kid
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC: SleepSub
- Timer: KatanaKiwi/Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Luridfuzz
- Typesetter: SleepSub
- QC: Majjin
- Encoder: Kaitou_Kid (mkv), FinalDevil (mp4) SleepSub (avi)
Episode 02: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [8 bit MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]
- Details
- Written by SleepSub Category: Sinbad no Bouken
Welcome back to Hatsuyuki!
We picked this up because Tobikage wanted to translate it, so here we go!
You want to help Hatsuyuki? Mail me at recruit[at]hatsuyuki-fansubs[dot]com or join our recruit IRC channel
Updates for other projects:
- The staff is getting back alive. We want to at least present you, Magi! Thanks for flying with Hatsuyuki while changing leader, website migration and getting the staff back alive!
- We're almost ready with Episode 02 of Magi, so that will be released soon.
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Kaitou_Kid
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC: SleepSub
- Timer: KatanaKiwi
- Editor: Luridfuzz
- Typesetter: SleepSub
- QC: Majjin
- Encoder: Kaitou_Kid (mkv), SleepSub (avi/mp4)
Episode 01: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [8 bit MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]