- Details
- Written by Amberdrake Category: Sailor Moon Crystal
So romantic
Staff Credits:
- TL: Viz / JerzaLover
- TLC: JerzaLover
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: JerzaLover
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T, JerzaLover
- Editing: ConstruKction
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja <-- next episode
- Typesetter: Amberdrake
- Combat effects: Naruto-kun
- Quality Control: umidorland
- Encoder:FixeR(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi), Chimps (mp4)
- Special thanks to Jubei-kun for helping with the OP/ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 04: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sailor Moon Crystal
So cute <3
Oh, and we're recruiting J-E translators, Typesetters, Editors, QCers. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to work with us.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Viz / JerzaLover
- TLC: JerzaLover
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: JerzaLover
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T, JerzaLover
- Editing: ConstruKction
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke style: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja <-- next episode
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- Quality Control: Jubei-kun
- Encoder:FixeR(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi), Chimps (mp4)
- Special thanks to Jubei-kun for helping with the OP/ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 03: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sailor Moon Crystal
Here ya go, our second pick in this season!!!
\o/ Welcome umidoland to our team as Editor/QCer \o/.
Oh, and we're recruiting J-E translators for Blade Dance. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to work on it.
No KFX for the songs yet. Fancy karaoke will be added from next episode. Sorry T_T
Translation from Viz is so bad for SM, so our TLC did fix and changed a lot.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Viz / JerzaLover
- TLC: JerzaLover
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: JerzaLover
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T, JerzaLover
- Editing: ConstruKction
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke style: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja <-- next episode
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- Quality Control: umidoland
- Encoder:FixeR(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi), Chimps (mp4)
- Special thanks to Jubei-kun for helping with the OP/ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 01: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sailor Moon Crystal
So cute <3
Oh, and we're recruiting J-E translators, Typesetters, Editors, QCers. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to work with us.
What was changed in SM 01v2? Don't ask us, download our release then you will see :P.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Viz / JerzaLover
- TLC: JerzaLover
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: JerzaLover
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T, JerzaLover
- Editing: ConstruKction
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke style: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja <-- next episode
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- Quality Control: umidoland, MMDTS
- Encoder:FixeR(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi), Chimps (mp4)
- Special thanks to Jubei-kun for helping with the OP/ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 01v2: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
Episode 02: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here