- Details
- Written by SleepSub Category: Sword Art Online II
After 2+ years of waiting, we finished Sword Art Online II. Batch for all the episodes will follow soon.
Spoiler: ( Thank you guys that I could watch Yuuki die again ;_;7 Sinon still best girl btw)
I would like to thank ds and Joseph McDermott for being a Patron! Thank you for your support!
The official website for Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale announced on Friday that the Japanese government's National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) appointed Kirito as a cybersecurity officer. The character's appointment is part of a tie-up campaign between NISC and the anime film.
Staff Credits:
- Translator: CR
- Timer: Naruto-kun, SleepSub
- K-Timer: Vevlaa
- Editor: Jubei-kun
- Typesetter: SleepSub
- Song TL: Sakura_T, NoName
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Encoder: Utilm, SleepSub
- QC: Gohan-san, ThumperZ1, SleepSub
Here you go:
Episode 22-24 [END]: [ 10 bit HD Batch Torrent ]
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sword Art Online II
Kawaiiii <3
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: Noname
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Jubei-kun
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Amberdrake
- Quality Control: Gohan-san
- Encoder: utilm(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi)
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 16: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
Episode 17: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sword Art Online II
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: Noname
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Jubei-kun
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Amberdrake
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Amberdrake
- Quality Control: Gohan-san
- Encoder: utilm(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi)
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 14: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sword Art Online II
Kawaiiii <3
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: Noname
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Jubei-kun
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Amberdrake
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Amberdrake
- Quality Control: Gohan-san
- Encoder: utilm(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi)
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 14.5: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
Episode 15: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Sword Art Online II
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timing: Naruto-kun
- OP/ED Translation: Noname
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Jubei-kun
- K-time: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Amberdrake
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Amberdrake
- Quality Control: Chimps
- Encoder: utilm(HD, mp4), tonydanza (avi)
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 13: [ MKV HD Torrent ] | [ MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here