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Freedom Machine!!!
Thank you for flying with us!
Eps 12 is delayed because we were waiting for the offical lyrics for the ED. And now here you go!
We would like to thank to our staff who have been working hard on this show. It was many fun working with it.
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: tyl
- Timing: Kaitou[Kid]
- RAW: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: tyl
- K-time: Floris257
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: amberdrake <3)
- Quality Control: Kaitou[Kid], Sirus
- Encoder: Kaitou[Kid] (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI)
- Thanks to our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 12: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here
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- Written by tyl Category: Free!
He has been accepted \o/
Eps 12 is mostly done. Just waiting for the new ED TL.
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: tyl
- Timing: Kaitou[Kid]
- RAW: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: tyl
- K-time: Floris257
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: amberdrake
- Quality Control: Kaitou[Kid], Sirus
- Encoder: Kaitou[Kid] (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI)
- Thanks to our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 11: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here
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- Written by Floris257 Category: Free!
Amber's sexy Typesetting~
Delayed cause of the amount of Typesetting in this episode. 3x Banzai for Amberdrake, he did a great job on the typesetting! :D
Next eps will be delayed as well because Kaitou is really sick and tyl's laptop broke. Hope things sort out for them soon.
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: tyl
- Timing: Kaitou[Kid]
- RAW: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Kaitou[Kid]
- K-time: Floris257
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: amberdrake
- Quality Control: tyl
- Encoder: Kaitou[Kid] (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI)
- Special thanks to luridfuzz
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 09: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here
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- Written by Floris257 Category: Free!
I already worked hard ;_;
So Kaitou is getting better and tyl has a new sexy laptop (with windows 8, poor him).
Eps 11 in comming days or so.
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: tyl
- Timing: Kaitou[Kid]
- RAW: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: tyl
- K-time: Floris257
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: amberdrake
- Quality Control: Kaitou[Kid], Sirus
- Encoder: Kaitou[Kid] (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI)
- Special thanks to luridfuzz
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 10: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here
- Details
- Written by Floris257 Category: Free!
This dude's shirt is awesome.
Staff Credits:
- TL: CR
- TLC: tyl
- Timing: Kaitou[Kid]
- RAW: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- OP/ED lyrics: Sakura_T
- Editing: Kaitou[Kid]
- K-time: Floris257
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun, amberdrake
- Quality Control: tyl
- Encoder: Kaitou[Kid] (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI)
- Special thanks to luridfuzz
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 08: [ MKV HD Torrent] | [MP4 HD Torrent ] | [ AVI SD Torrent ]
If you like our releases, pls vote for us or here