- Details
- Written by SleepSub Category: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni!
Btw guys, I (SleepSub[NL]) hereby declare "Sket Dance" as DROPPED. Gomenasai~
Staff Credits:
- TL: Aera_bibi, Chojenoe (Signs)
- TLC: Mushuchan, Chojenoe
- Timing: PastaLuaego
- Editing: fgghjjkll, Toaru
- OP/ED: Zeru, fgghjjkll
- K-time: SleepSub[NL], Pastalueago
- Karaoke: karalaura100
- Typesetter: Zom-B (naru rage quit after he was compalined that his typesettting was shit on Baka 03)
- Logo: Zwei
- Quality Control: Mushuchan, Zeru, Cryzo, xninja, Toaru
- Encoder: fixeR
- Bot: Black_OP[NL], Pato-kun
- Special thanks to Vaklore, Black Cat and aoizephyr for the help
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 05: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Episode 06: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Looking for capper / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.
- Details
Sorry for being slow, but we won't drop it.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Aera_Bibi
- TLC: Chojenoe, The-One-I-Know-Who
- Timing: Aera_Bibi(07), xninja (08)
- Editing: fgghjjkll, Toaru
- Re-Editing: HeavenlyArmed
- OP/ED: Zeru, fgghjjkll
- K-time: SleepSub[NL], Pastalueago
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Typesetter: fgghjjkll (07), Baka_Saru (08)
- Logo: Where the fuck our AFX logo maker?
- Quality Control: Drago, Zeru, Cryzo, xninja, Piotov
- Encoder: FixeR (HD), Furzi (SD)
- Bot: Black_OP[NL]
- Special thanks to karalaura100, Vaklore, Black Cat and aoizephyr for the help
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 07: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Episode 08: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Looking for AFX Logo maker / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.
- Details
So, here is our second show in this season.
This release was out one day later because we had to fix some signs and wait for amazing logo :P
Our staff have been working hard on it, so let's cheer them!
Staff Credits:
- TL: Chibi_Hige
- TLC: Zom-B
- Timing: Zom-B
- Editing: ThumperZ1
- OP: Zeru
- K-time: SleepSub[NL]
- Karaoke: karalaura100
- Typesetter: Shinchi
- Logo: Zwei
- Quality Control: Rankblotch, Mushuchan, Zeru
- Encoder: FixeR
- Bot: Black_OP[NL], Pato-kun
- Special thanks to Vaklore for the help
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 01: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Looking for capper / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.
- Details
Sorry for being slow, but we won't drop it.
Special thanks to HeavenlyArmed for re-editing the scripts.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Aera_Bibi
- TLC: The-One-I-Know-Who
- Timing: Aera_Bibi
- Editing: fgghjjkll
- Re-Editing: HeavenlyArmed
- OP/ED: Zeru, fgghjjkll
- K-time: SleepSub[NL], Pastalueago
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Typesetter: Calyrica
- Logo: Where the fuck our AFX logo maker?
- Quality Control: Drago, Zeru, Cryzo, xninja, Piotov
- Encoder: FixeR (HD), Furzi (SD)
- Bot: Black_OP[NL]
- Special thanks to karalaura100, Vaklore, Black Cat and aoizephyr for the help
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 09: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Episode 10: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Looking for AFX Logo maker / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.
- Details
Okay guys, we extremely need typesetters for this show (eagisub or afx are okay).
it's us after typesetting this episodes :D
Staff Credits:
- TL: Chibi_Hige
- TLC: Zom-B, Chojenoe
- Timing: Zom-B
- Editing: fgghjjkll
- OP/ED: Zeru, fgghjjkll
- K-time: SleepSub[NL], Pastalueago
- Karaoke: karalaura100
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun, Zwei, Baka_Saru
- Logo: Zwei
- Quality Control: Treize-kun, Mushuchan, Zeru, ggxtreme
- Encoder: FixeR
- Bot: Black_OP[NL], Pato-kun
- Special thanks to Vaklore, Black Cat and aoizephyr for the help
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 02: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD Fileserve ]
Looking for capper / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.