- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Finally! Kaitou worked faster when he was rushed <3
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: KakashiCopyNinja
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps, o0oo
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 181: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: KakashiCopyNinja
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 180: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid, ForceGaia
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Amberdrake
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: IScreamNinja
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 178: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: KakashiCopyNinja
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 179: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Finally! We apologized for being slow on FT 177. Kaitou got busy with his school (5 papers for his Chemistry class), QC got sick... those caused the delay this week. I tried my best to rush Kaitou, lol.
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
We release a v2 for FT 176 with logo, small changes in the main script and all missing fonts added.
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid / KakashiCopyNinja
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid, ForceGaia
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: IScreamNinja
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 176 v2: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
FT 177: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]