- Details
- Written by Amberdrake Category: Fairy Tail
Naked Lucy! \o/ Forced comedy. Worst kinda comedy. Making people naked =/= Comedy.
Anyway, sorry for the wait. We kept running into problems. FixeR has stopped encoding FT and SOFCJ has taken over as encoder.
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Character Name Standardization
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Chimps, Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (ED), Amberdrake (OP)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Kaitou_Kid
- Encode: SOFCJ (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / TheBlackTac (mp4)
FT 191-195: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest CCCP.
- If your computer lags while watching our mkv releases, please wait for our mp4 and avi with all hardsubbed to watch.
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Character Name Standardization
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (ED), Amberdrake (OP)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / TheBlackTac (mp4)
FT 190: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest CCCP.
- If your computer lags while watching our mkv releases, please wait for our mp4 and avi with all hardsubbed to watch.
- Details
- Written by Kaitou[Kid] Category: Fairy Tail
My face when watching this episode. And the Brazil v. Germany game. Didn’t know rape was legal in Brazil.
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Character Name Standardization
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: furu-chan
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / TheBlackTac (mp4)
FT 187: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest CCCP.
- If your computer lags while watching our mkv releases, please wait for our mp4 and avi with all hardsubbed to watch.
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Character Name Standardization
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Translation: No Name
- K-Timing: vevlaa
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (ED), Amberdrake (OP)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / TheBlackTac (mp4)
FT 189: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest CCCP.
- If your computer lags while watching our mkv releases, please wait for our mp4 and avi with all hardsubbed to watch.
- Details
- Written by Naruto Category: Fairy Tail
I love you all! FT anime brought to you by the pacing staff of One Piece.
Joint with Kaitou Fansubs!
Staff Credits:
- RAW: Sakura_T
- TL: CR
- TLC: Thorbacz
- Timer: Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- OP/ED Lyrics: Sakura_T
- OP/ED Translation: furu-chan
- K-Timing: Amberdrake
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun (OP), Amberdrake (ED)
- Typesetting: Kaitou_Kid
- Logo AFX: KakashiCopyNinja
- Attack Effects: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: Chimps <3
- Encode: FixeR (mkv)/ tonydanza (avi) / Kaitou_Kid (mp4)
FT 187: [720p 10bit MKV] | [720p 8bit MP4] | [480p AVI]
- If you're having playback issues, make sure you're using the latest CCCP.
- If your computer lags while watching our mkv releases, please wait for our mp4 and avi with all hardsubbed to watch.