- Details
Hi to our fans,
Here is our present to you to celebrate the new year. Yes, we did a joint release with Doremi Fansubs on this movie. It has been my dream to sub my favourite childhood manga/anime character. I used to read a lot of Doraemon manga when I was a child. And I can't believe that one day, I would sub a Doraemon movie. But now it's true. Doraemi fansub helped us to tlc and edit. I'm glad that they worked on a joint with us, because they're the best fansub group that has been subbing this show.
And, of course, thanks to our staff too, who have helped me to time, make karaoke and logo. Best wishes to all of you in this new year.
- Raw: Zdm321
- Translator: Akira
- Timer: BillyG
- K-timer: Aimbotter
- Karaoke: Kanami-sama
- Translation Checker: Ladholyman
- Editor: Maceart
- Logo: Zwei
- Typesetter/ Encoder/ Qcer: Naruto-kun
Here you go:
Doraemon 2010 movie:[ HD Torrent ] | [ HD Megaupload ]|[ SD Torrent ] | [ SD Megaupload ]
Next season planing: Freezing, Kore wa Zombie desu ka ( a joint project)
Looking for new staff, especially translation checker on new season. Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.