Enjoy :)
Hi our fans!
Here is a small change in our using term we want to let you know. Our new editor, Dragoo, decided that using "Onmyouji" instead of using "Exorcist" is better for the show. Because "Onmyouji" is an important term in this show (as important as the term "Youkai" is). So after taking in his request, from now on we will be using "Onmyouji". As for our previous releases, all "Exorcist" will be changed into "Onmyouji" in the batch version.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Mayura
- TLC: aoizephyr
- Timing: Aera_Bibi
- Editing: Dragoo
- OP/ED song translating: aoizephyr
- K-time: Sleepsub[NL], Pastalueago, Aera_Bibi
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun, Alkoon
- Typesetter: MXLatte
- Quality Control: Maane, MXLatte, ndminh92, Piotov
- Encoder: Naruto-kun
- Bot: Black_OP[NL], Pato-kun
- special thanks to TsukasaE, Aera_Bibi, Vaklore for the help with ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 14: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD avi Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD avi Fileserve ]
Looking for capper / typesetter(s). Pls contact me or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. if you want to lend us your help :)
If you like our releases, pls vote for us here or here
Best regards, Hatsu Team.