Enjoy :)
The TL Note is too long, so I decided to put it here.
TL Note: Kojiki (古事記), literally means "Record of Ancient Matters", it's collection of myths concerning the origin of the four home islands of Japan, and it's Gods and Goddesses. Also, the myths contained in the Kojiki are part of the inspiration behind Shinto practices and myths, including the misogi purification ritual.
Staff Credits:
- TL: Mayura
- TLC: aoizephyr
- Timing: Aera_Bibi
- Editing: Dragoo
- OP/ED song translating: aoizephyr
- K-time: Sleepsub[NL], Pastalueago, Aera_Bibi
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun, Alkoon
- Typesetter: MXLatte
- Quality Control: Maane, MXLatte, ndminh92
- Encoder: Naruto-kun
- Bot: Black_OP[NL], Pato-kun
- special thanks to TsukasaE, Aera_Bibi, Vaklore for the help with ED
- and our dear fans for watching our release.
Here you go:
Episode 13: [ HD Torrent ] | [ SD avi Torrent ] | [ HD Fileserve ] | [ SD avi Fileserve ]
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