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Episode status: released

Thanks to Roflcopter ( who forgot to change his nickname in credit script as an encoder), we can released this ep soon.
Another our encoder, Faction, is testing his new way to do 07 Ghost. If his method works well, we will have 07 Ghost release faster next time.
You can grap our release here
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Episode status: released

Encoding: done ( thanks to Roflcopter) For encoding this episode. there were some encoding problems due to the video having a VFR. All of them worked hard on this release. Let's cheer for them :D
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Episode status: released
[Torrent HD] | [MU HD at www.anikat.com]
We're looking for q-checkers for this show. If you are interested in and want to help us, please PM Naruto-kun.
07-Ghost 03 was late because our q-checkers were too busy with there stuff.
- Details
Episode status:Released
[Torrent HD] | [MU HD at www.anikat.com]
Edit1: We really need HD and Sd encoders. We have many problems with encoding, so that's why we are late. So if anyone who can helps us, please PM Naruto-kun.
Edit2: For our Shugo fans, we advise you to watch Fubuki-subs release. They did a good job. I'd like to put their releases into my Shugo collection :P
Edit3: We are looking for a translator who can help us finish Glass Mask.
Edit4: I was stress this 2 days, because we had problems in encoding.
- Details
Episode status: released[MKV-Torrent ] | [MU-MKV]
you can get our release at www.anikat.com
Thanks to Rocker2344 for his encoding.
Edit: For our Shugo fans, we advise you to watch Fubuki-subs release. They did a good job. I'd like to put their releases into my Shugo collection :P