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You can get our releases here
We dropped this series because it was licensed.
You can continue to watch this series by getting it here.
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As you know, SE is lisenced, so we wont put any thing about this anime here. For all our releases, you can get them at www.anikat.com
Sorry for inconvenience.
Hatsuyuki staff.
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Hi mina!
As you know SE 40 is out, and there is a new ED in this ep.
From ep 40th, we'll join with Tsubaki's team . We won't put any download link here. You can get our releases ( Shugo and SE) at www.anikat.com
I have made a new logo and added it into the OP of the SE 40th. So tell me how it is.
And I like that new logo much :D. Here is the preview .
We're searching for the translators. If you wanna help us, go to irc
Thanks Hirono for helping us to edit the webpage :)