- Details
Special thanks to Kaitou_Kid for spending his time to edit the OVA, although he has his final on Monday \o/
This is a joint with Kaitou Fansubs. Don’t forget to visit them.
MP4 SD is out first. MKV HD will be later, cause the iso is pretty bad, and Fixer needs more time to work on the final encode.
Staff Credits:
- Project Leader: Naruto-kun/Kaitou_Kid
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC: No Name
- Timer: Naruto-kun
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- K-timer: vevlaa
- OP / ED Translation: Char Custom
- OP German Lyrics: KakashiCopyNinja
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: DragonDream, Kirito013, Algazero
- Encoder: FixeR (MKV), Naruto-kun (MP4)
OVA 01: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [ 8 bit MP4 Torrent ] | [AVI Torrent]
- Details
This is a joint with Kaitou Fansubs. Don’t forget to visit them.
Staff Credits:
- Project Leader: Naruto-kun/Kaitou[Kid]
- Translator: CR
- TLC: No Name
- Timer: Floris257
- Editor: Sirus
- K-timer: vevlaa
- OP / ED Translation: No Name, Floris257 (german parts)
- OP German Lyrics: KakashiCopyNinja
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- QC: iMark, MightyDwarf, Kaitou[Kid]
- Encoder: FixeR (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/SD)
Episode 15: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [ 8 bit MP4 Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]
- Details
- Written by Floris257 Category: Shingeki no Kyojin
These specials are weird. Enjoy~
- Translator: Tobikage
- TLC Checker: tyl
- Timer: Chaos-kun, Kaitou_Kid
- Editor: Kaitou_Kid
- Typesetter: Kaitou_Kid
- QC: tyl
- Encoder: Kaitou_Kid (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/AVI) I know you guys love me <3
[ 1080p 10bit MKV ] | [ 1080p 8bit MP4 ] | [ 720p 10bit MKV ] | [ 720p 8bit MP4 ] | [ 480p AVI ]
- Details
We don't drop this show! Happy Halloween!
This is a joint with Kaitou Fansubs. Don’t forget to visit them.
Staff Credits:
- Project Leader: Naruto-kun/Kaitou[Kid]
- Translator: shiro.shiki
- TLC: No Name
- Timer: superjose
- Editor: Tokyoblade
- K-timer: vevlaa
- OP / ED Translation: No Name, Floris257 (german parts)
- OP German Lyrics: KakashiCopyNinja
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- QC: iMark, Chippo, ultim
- Encoder: FixeR (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/SD)
Episode 14: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [ 8 bit MP4 Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]
- Details
Our Monthly Release. Sorry for the delay.
This is a joint with Kaitou Fansubs. Don’t forget to visit them.
We are looking for Editors and Quality Checkers. Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to be a part of our team.
Staff Credits:
- Project Leader: Naruto-kun/Kaitou[Kid]
- Translator: Tobu, Tobikage
- TLC: No Name
- Timer: Floris257
- Editor: Tokyoblade
- K-timer: vevlaa
- ED: Char Custom
- ED TLC: Aera_Bibi
- Karaoke: Naruto-kun
- Logo: KakashiCopyNinja
- Typesetter: Kaitou[Kid]
- QC: Kaitou[Kid], iMark, Chippo, ultim
- Encoder: FixeR (MKV) Floris257 (MP4/SD)
Episode 10: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [ 8 bit MP4 Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]
Episode 11: [ 10 bit HD Torrent ] | [ 8 bit MP4 Torrent ] | [ SD Torrent ]