- Details
Um, what happened?!
Looking for Japanese/Chinese - English translators/ TLC/ Capper. Contact Naruto or email him via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enjoy :). GM 30 next week.
Episode 29: [ Torrent ] | [ Megaupload ]
- Details
Um, what happened?!
Welcome Iwata and Morbious to Hatsu.
Enjoy :). GM 29 next week.
Episode 28: [ Torrent ] | [ Megaupload ]
- Details
Hi everyone!
Yes we gotten lazy with this show, but don't worry we're still working on it. We'll be doing v2's for episodes 18-26.
V2 Fixes :: New karaoke AFX, logo,timing, typesetting , and this time the subtittles will have English not Engrish.
Episode Status :

- Ep 23: typesetting
- Ep 24: fix-timing
- Ep 25-27: translation checking
- Ep 28: timing
There are the staff members who will be working on the show .
Hao: translator
Kagato, NatsuÍai :Editors
Kagato, MIstika: Q-checkers
Ran-chan, A-chan: timers
Naruto-kun: typesetter, timer, Karaoke AFX
Roflcopter, Nertip: encoders
- Details

Plot sumarry:A new adaptation of Suzue Miuchi's manga Glass No Kamen (Mask Of Glass). The original story dates back 1976 when Miuchi serialized it in Hakusensha's Hana to Yume Magazine. Mask Of Glass was made into a TV anime in 1984 and then later into an OAV series in 1998.
You can get our releases here
- Episode 18 - 22: [ Torrent ]
- Episode 23 - 27: [ Torrent ]
- Episode 27: [ Torrent ] | [ Megaupload ]
- Episode 28: [ Torrent ] | [ Megaupload ]
- Details
Glass Mask 27 :P
Sorry for taking so long. In the end, we have enough staff to work on this show.
If you find any errors, do not blame us, but come and help us :P
Enjoy :). GM 28 next week.
Episode 27: [ Torrent ] | [ Megaupload ]
Here are our staff members who have been working on this show:
- Translator: Black Cat
- Timer: Phantom09
- Editor: ThumperZ1
- Tl-checker: Ms308680
- Logo: AngelsThesis
- Karaoke: ThunderEmperor
- Typesetter: Naruto-kun
- QCers: Piecake, Renegade Angel
- Encoder: Naruto-kun